Just a few weeks before we got Bonnie, our lovely neighbour also bought a boy puppy. His name is Bailey but we have nicknamed him Beelzebub for his naughtiness. Bailey is a Bichon crossed and about the same size as Bonnie but leaner.
They have been friends since they first met almost 2 years ago although you will not think they are by the noise they make sometimes when they play. He is very sweet with her and lets her drag him by the neck along the deck.
Once our lawn mowing contractor came to mow the backyard during their playtime, Bonnie huddled in the corner on the deck (she loves humans but she is not very keen on their power tools) and I saw Bailey licking her face gently as if to say 'Hey babe, it's OK. I'm here to protect you'.
He is a water baby, this boy, and loves to play with every water container he comes across. We have ornamental reed in water bowl on our deck and Bailey is very partial to this. When he was smaller, he used to be able to jump in the bowl to cool himself off. We have bought a small paddling pool for them last summer so he does not always try to have a skinny dip in our bowl and kill our reed any more. It might be that he has grown a bit too big for the bowl but the plant is safe for now.