Thursday, December 4, 2014

Quick Roast Pork Fillet and Apple Sauce

This recipe is quick and easy – it will take you less than an hour to prepare and cook as pork fillet will get cooked quite quickly. For 2 you’ll need:

1 piece of pork fillet (about 500 grams) with sinews taken off
1 – 2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
Salt & pepper
3/4 cup Chicken stock
1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herb – I use coriander
2 apples – 1 Granny Smith and 1 Red Delicious (you can also use Braeburn or Gala), chopped roughly
A bit of oil for frying
1-2 tablespoons butter
1-2 teaspoons maple syrup

Pre heat the oven to 220 degrees C.

Rub pork fillet with salt and pepper and drizzle with a little bit of vegetable oil. Sear the pork on a hot pan until brown on all sides. Set aside. In the same pan add a little bit more oil, and fry the apples so they get a bit light brown.

Line the roasting pan with the fried apple.

Rub the fillet with mustard and roll it in chopped coriander. Place it on top of the apples and bake for about 25 minutes. Turn the pork half way through. When the pork is done – wrap it loosely in foil and rest for 10 minutes.

Reserve half of the apple pieces – try to choose the firm-ish ones and set aside. Add the rest of apple into the pan with butter over medium high heat and mash them up with spatula – add chicken stock and let it bubble for a few minutes – add more water if needed. Cook until the sauce thickened – discard the peels if you like. Taste and add more salt and pepper if necessary.

Drizzle a teaspoon or two of maple syrup on the reserve apples and tossed gently to coat.

Slice the pork and serve with apples pieces and apple sauce on the side – and of course some roast vegetables. I use potatoes, carrots, capsicum and red onion for my roast.

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